Our Story

Cognato – meaning “closely related to”

In 2018, cousins David Sommestad and Adam Malmnäs envisioned creating an elegant, delicious alcohol-free wine that would complement a wide range of foods. As wine enthusiasts and parents, they sought an alternative to alcohol that wasn’t overly sweet or lacking quality.

“We aimed to produce an alcohol-free wine that we, as wine enthusiasts, would be delighted to savor alongside a fine meal. Both David and I are parents to young children, and we often found ourselves driving to various activities on weekends, making it impossible to enjoy a glass of wine during lunch or dinner. Therefore, we needed a suitable alternative.”

Adam Malmnäs

Explore Our Collection

Cognato Cabernet Sauvignon

Cognato Cabernet

Rich and bold.

Cognato Chenin Blanc

Chenin Blanc

Crisp and refreshing

Cognato Rosé


Elegant and balanced

Cognato Sparkling Wine


Effervescent and festive

Discover the unique qualities of our wines
and join us in celebrating sophisticated, alcohol-free enjoyment.